Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Song of the Swooping Bustard

Talking to Chand today really cleared my head, because she's fun and chatting with her is such an eye-opening experience! Not only did I discover that a thorny devil is palm-sized and that a one-hamster-two-wheel setup is best aided by a platform, I also realised how lucky I am to have someone in my life who appreciates such a large part of me.

We discussed writing and the fears that seem to plague all authors who take their work personally and who believe in it as a facet of themselves, and I conceed that I am one of the few lucky people who has someone to read my work. Not just to read, mind you, but all that reading entails, the understanding, the support, the gentle presence. It is both fiendishly difficult and ineffably wonderful to share and receive the gift of being able to take part in someone’s artistic creation and for this priceless gift of being there, I thank you.

I thank you because you made it okay for me to read my work out in a wavering voice over the phone as you listened, patient and never belittling and I thank you more because you read it still. You will never know how many of these words are written with you in mind, with you in heart.

And for quietly putting up with my oftentimes incoherent mental state, sharing my soul and keeping it safe with love and laughter, I am forever in your debt.


On a different note, here’s the experiment I’ll be presenting as part of my final paper this Saturday. And praise me ‘kay, because I totally kicked Microsoft Paint’s collective ass and because it actually displays some fundamental (albeit flawed) depth perception! Hah.

Rest assured no animals (except hamsters) were harmed in the making of this… erm… thang.


Blogger Pri said...

*tilts head to the side* what are the wheels for? i don't get it...

8:03 pm  
Blogger Girl said...

Aha! It's a very terroristic experiment!! I release the predator, and then see whether the hamster leaps onto the stationary wheel or the moving wheel. If it chooses the moving wheel, then I hypothesise that running is an escape behaviour see? Of course, if the predator gets there before the hamsters does... :S

8:10 pm  
Blogger Pri said...

you don't think the hamster will jump onto the wheel it thinks is the closest?? and what if he doesn't jump far enough and lands on the floor?

8:25 pm  
Blogger Girl said...

That's what the mesh cover is for! To keep him equidistant and also to ensure he doesn't move till I raise it. And if he falls to the floor, that's unfortunate!! But I'll try not to let them happen :P

10:05 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...



1:04 am  
Blogger Girl said...


Thief can do many thing, but not as cute as bowman or hot magician, lah! ;)

4:15 am  
Blogger e.x.o.d.u.s said...

welcome to the blogging club.. Go and get a tagboard la... if not i have to sign in everytime i leave a msg... haha

this experiment reminds of the one you came up with the dunno what running off the cliff with the elephant. Remember that weird experiment you came up with in DC? Yahz.. .it sounds just like that. haha

8:45 pm  
Blogger Girl said...

Ahahaha! It was lemmings and elephants! But this one is even more pro, okay! And I really have to present this one in a paper! Now the world shall know my brilliance! :P

11:27 pm  
Blogger e.x.o.d.u.s said...

brillance? Really?


4:54 pm  

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