Tuesday, June 06, 2006


My favourite punctuation mark is the comma.

No, seriously.

And I don’t mean favourite like, oh-it’s-an-interesting-and-useful-thing-to-use-now-and-again favourite. I mean favourite like I-am-so-obsessed-with-them-I-must-use-them-in-as-many-sentences-as-I-can-as-many-times-as-I-can favourite. (Actually with that previous sentence, it just might be the hyphen. But, no.)

I don’t know what I like about commas so much. It’s not that they look cute, although they are kind of appealing in a tadpole-curled-up-in-a-foetal-position kind of way. It might be that they’re so useful in the way that they split sentences up, or that I like to write like long sentences so I use more of them, or that I use lots of adjectives and commas make the adjectives distinctive. I like adjectives. And long sentences. And even when I’m not writing, I like to use commas to add pauses for effect. I mean consider commonly used the epithet, “Yeah right.”

Now, add a comma in and repeat, “Yeah, right.” How much more cynical does that sound? The fullstop isn’t sufficiently… erm… pausy to make short phrases punchy, only the comma will do. And! And! It even represents the intonations in your voice on paper!
For example, the sarcastic phrase, “Erm hello?”

Throw in la comma and you get, “Erm, hello?” Now, just squint your eyes and think about it… erm… squintily, and you can just hear the upswing on the end of the “erm” before it comes crashing down sardonically on the “hello”. See?

And just in case you think I’m making unfounded claims about my comma love, I once got an essay sent back to me with the words scribbled furiously in red, “This is unacceptable! You have gone comma crazy! Please learn how to use to the comma properly!” Honestly. In university.

It’s not that I don’t know how to use the comma, you bimbo. I just like to use it a little too much, okay? I’ll bet you have your own vices, all right? In fact, you seem a little trigger happy with the exclamation mark to me right there!


Did I mention that I’m drinking office coffee?

Did I mention that it’s making me really hyper? Oh, no? Well, it is.

PS My second favourite punctuation mark is the exclamation mark.

Listening to: Piece of My Heart – Janis Joplin. Damn, she rocks!


Blogger - said...

Janis J definitely does! And the comma, its magical effect in changing sentences back and fro from bimbo, bitch and brainy, never fail to amaze me. Catch up, girl!

12:56 am  
Blogger Girl said...

Hey James! I sent you email :D Heh heh... I use the exclamation mark alot too... a combination of both results in absolutely deadly sentences! :P Write me!

8:43 am  

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