Dear Sir,

It is with regret that I inform you that regardless of your aspirations, I have decided to lead my life in a vein that is of my own choosing. For a long time now, it has been obvious that you know nothing about me. Worse than that, I believe that you do not care either.
You never really knew what was going on in my life, or my head, or my heart for that matter. Now isn’t the time to jump in. You cannot be a part-time institution in my world as and when you choose it.
This isn’t about respect at all. It’s about not living my whole life in deference to your wishes because really, it’s my life now. The world is changing and shifting beneath your feet and you’re so intent on holding on to shreds of the past that if you don’t catch up, it will leave you choking in its dust.
I am as much a person as you are and I’ve done my time.
How will you ever reconcile yourself with my lifestyle, sir?
Well, that’s your problem. I’ve solved mine.
'You cannot be a part-time institution in my world as and when you choose it' made my heart stop as I read them...
Dear Sir is like an exit wound.
Girl - Chand
Thank you for those simple, moving words babe... you really do understand. And thank you for thinking of me, you're a one of a kind friend. :)
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