In a moment of random-ness, surfing through the archives of one of our publications, I found this old column which mentioned the book "He Just Not That Into You".
Scrolling through the mass of black words on grey, I suddenly stopped at this paragraph.
It's one of the few things that's made sense in a while.
"Author Greg Behrendt points out that men are not as complicated as women make them out to be.
When a man loves you, he (1) calls you regularly (2) does not send you mixed messages (3) wants to have sex with you only (4) does not put you down (5) AND wants to marry you.
If he is not like all of the above, then he doesn't love you.
Love is given, not earned. Love is glory, not grief.
Have the courage to admit that your man does not love you. As much as singlehood sucks, being with an unloving man is worse. Bad and uncertain relationships make you feel bad and uncertain, and that's not what you were put on this earth for.
Make a space in your life for the great feelings you deserve. Get up. Walk out.
Now." - The New Paper
I read this book last year. It's got some good sense in it.
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