So Over It
I'm motivated not by success, but by fear of failure. I'm SO scared that I will fuck life up and be stuck at the bottom of the heap, and that will just be the way my life goes. So even when I don't like doing something or feel reluctance, fear drives me. And so I work FUCKING hard.
When you try your best, and it's still not good enough, that hurts more than I can tell. The immediate reaction is always, "What's wrong with me?" And though I take pains not to show it, the scars stay with me for a long time.
When you try your best, and it's still not good enough, that hurts more than I can tell. The immediate reaction is always, "What's wrong with me?" And though I take pains not to show it, the scars stay with me for a long time.
Do you know the myth of Sagittarius?
Sagittarius was originally the god Chiron, a centaur, an archer, and an immortal. One day, his student, Hercules, shot him with an arrow in his side. Chiron was in so much pain he begged Zeus to let him die. Seeing this, Hercules began to mock him. In order to prove he still deserved his godly status, Chiron made the longest shot ever attempted. He shot a glass bowl of stars over the earth, and Zeus rewarded him by making him the constellation Sagittarius.
Even though Chiron was unable to fulfil his role as an immortal god, and in so, one could argue, fell short of the expectations meted out; what he did was so beautiful, and so great, that he made his mark in another way. And for that, he was commemorated in the stars as Sagittarius.
We go through life trying our best, and at the end of the day, that has to be enough. I hope that you will always remember that the bowl of stars you leave in your wake is far more inspiring and memorable than any stray glitch in the universe.
Aww... thanks man, for that lovely reminder.
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