Fire Away!
I’ve been tagged by Priya, and we all know what an obedient citizen I am!
1. WHAT MADE YOU SMILE YESTERDAY? The look M gave me as we discussed piercings while trawling Bugis’ flea market.
2. WHAT WERE YOU DOING AT 8 THIS MORNING? Wriggling in bed to the too-bright light streaming in from the window
4. SOMETHING THAT HAPPENED TO YOU IN 1995? I was in a school play as the Artful Dodger. They chose me for the role because they said I looked rough. Damn right!
5. LAST THING YOU SAID ALOUD? “Gross!” (to my brother)
6. HOW MANY DIFFERENT THINGS DID YOU DRINK TODAY? I had teh ping in the morning and then it was water all the rest of the day.
7.WHERE IS YOUR BEST FRIEND(s) RIGHT NOW I have a couple of wonderful friends in Singapore and a couple of amazing friends in Australia… And of course the love of my life is here…
8. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR TOOTHBRUSH? Okay, I am obsessive about toothbrushes and I mean obsessive! So I have three different toothbrushes in three different places. One is green, one is purple and the last and most impressive one is a myriad of colours. It is the one, the ONLY Oral-B 360 and has straight bristles combined with rounded bristles for a better brush, surrounded by rubber bristles that scrub off plaque and a rubber tongue scraper across the back. It’s also a gift from the very indulgent M. Don’t mess with the toothbrush, baby!
9. WHAT IS OUT YOUR BACK DOOR? Erm… the lift. Flats do too have backdoors, Priya!
10. LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? A chocolate dessert roll. I know, how very predictable.
11. LAST GIFT YOU RECEIVED FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY? A pair of diamond earrings and a diamond pendant. I was on cloud nine, I assure you. Now I just need a limo and two furry white dogs and I’ll be in the big time.
12. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR FRONT DOOR? It is wooden, and as most of us know, wood is brown.
13. WHERE DO YOU KEEP YOUR CHANGE? In my pockets. My father turns them out before he puts them in the machine and everyday he announces the amount he finds. Today we topped ourselves with a grand total of fourty dollars from my back pocket. Want to do my laundry, anyone?
15. BEST ICE CREAM FLAVOR? Belgian Chocolate from Haagen Daaz… no competition!
16. SOMETHING YOURE EXCITED ABOUT? I am excited about everything. I am like a damn energiser bunny that won’t shut up and talks and talks and talks and then has to be forcibly told to keep quiet and study or else I will flunk out of school and end up homeless, on the streets with no other change other than that which streams from my back pockets and no money to ever buy Belgian Chocolate from Haagen Daaz again.
17. LAST RAINBOW YOU SAW? Do you know, I remember seeing one, I just can’t for the life of me remember when.
18. WHAT SIZE SHOE DO YOU WEAR? I have ginormous feet. When I was younger everyone used to lie and tell me that my big feet meant that I was going to be tall in proportion. All this has taught me is that people lie. And I need skis.
19. DO YOU HAVE ANY SISTERS? Nope. Unless you count Jonathon…
20. ARE YOU VERY RANDOM? God, yes. Can’t you tell already?
21. DO YOU WANT TO CUT YOUR HAIR? I want to shave my head!
22. ARE YOU OVER THE AGE OF 22? Oh thank god no… I have a few months of youth left before I cross over into the doddering beyond…
23. DO YOU TALK ALOT? Huh. I’ll give you one guess.
24. DO YOU WATCH THE OC? Now and then. Although you don’t have to keep watching it to follow it, you know the guy and the girl are on and off and on and off and the other guy and girl are on and off and on and off and in between someone gets drunk and someone gets pregnant and someone dies. I love it!
28. DO YOU MAKE UP YOUR OWN WORDS? Oh man. All the time! Yesterday in the library M told me something and I said (as one does), “Oh, Spinky!” Put that word along with Scarfify and Pluur and you’ll get a rough idea.
29. ARE YOU TICKLISH? Here and there.
Fill this in on your blogs if you read this guys! I want to know all sorts of strange things about you! And secondly:
Instructions: Name 20 people you can think of at the top of your head. Don't read the questions before you write, and tag 5 people to do the survey.
1. M
2. Priya
3. Ying Yi
4. Sera
5. Jamie
6. Chand
7. Beck
8. Ann- Marie
9. Marie
10. Glenn
11. Erwin
12. Kevin
13. Reb
14. Geraldine
15. Reggie
16. Mel
17. Mag
18. Doreen
19. Lexian
20. Jia Jun
1. How did you meet #14?
I met Miss Geraldine at work! And life has been madness ever since.
2. What would you do if you had never met #1?
Are you kidding? I don’t even want to think about it. I can’t imagine my life being any different. I guess I can’t really say that you can miss someone you’ve never met. But when you wait all your life to meet someone like that, you can’t remember what life was like without them. And I’m not sure you’d want to try.
3. What would you do if #20 and #9 dated?
Well, one’s a hot French girl and one’s a hot Chinese girl… I think they’d be hot together!
4. Would #6 and #17 make a good couple?
Jamie and Mag… hmmm they’re both really gorgeous, I’m just not sure they’d be gorgeous to each other. Somehow I think they’re both more MAN people. Ya know.
5. Describe #3.
Ying yi is the most horrid person ever. I don’t understand why I still bother to spend all my time laughing and talking to her and arranging study dates during which not much studying takes place. She is also the most boring, unhappy, untalkative person I’ve ever known. Hah!
6. Do you think #8 is attractive?
Ann- Marie is both sweetly pretty and a really great person, so yeah definitely attractive in my book! And she’s really funny too!
7. Tell me something about #7.
We used to write the most awesome books together. Of course, they were all about us dating the *ahem* Backstreet Boys and having their children, so you know, it was both a TON of fun and not very realistic.
8. Do you know anything about #12's family?
Yeah! His parents work together at a Nonya food stall and his mother makes very good Ngor Hiang. I don’t know how he stays so skinny!
9. What is #8's favourite?
I have no idea! We haven’t had a meal in a long time… it’s about time we did!
10. What would you do if #11 confesses that he/she likes you?
Erwin?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love him to bits, but he’s like my brother!
11. What language does #15 speak?
I’ve spoken English and Mandarin to her, but I think she has a dialect or two tucked under her belt!
12. Who is #9 going out with?
She was going out with a genuine American Marine before she went back to France!!
13. How old is #16 now?
My age… but her birthday’s at the beginning of the year.
14. When was the last time u talked to #18?
When a bunch of us met up for hawker food the other night… it was SUCH a blast!
15. Who's #2's favourite singer?
Oh boy… I don’t know if Priya has a favourite singer but I know she really likes Slash from Guns ‘n’ Roses… tell me Pri because I know you’re always changing alliances in music!
16. Would you date #4?
Ahahaha! Yeah! I think we did kinda use to “date” in fact, although, you know, it was back in a girl’s school, so anything goes. AHAHA!
17. Would you date #7?
Heh yeah… together with Sera we could have a ménage a trois!
18. Is #15 single?
Not anymore!
19. What's #10's last name?
Koh. And his Chinese name is Wei Ming!
20. Would you ever consider being in a relationship with #19?
I just saw her dancing last night and she is hot! So yes, I’d consider it, although I’d have to factor M in in a very big way.
21. What schools did #3 go to?
She was a Rafflesian all the way and now she’s in university with me.
22. Where does #6 live?
Braddell! We used to play together in her house when we were kids and she had the uncanny ability to walk down the staircase bannister. I love this girl!
23. What's your favourite thing about #5?
Jamie? Wow… it would have to be her wicked sense of humour. She’s pretty and she’s smart, but I really dig the way she makes people laugh!
24. What do you think of #13?
Rebecca is one of the sweetest people I have met in such a short period of time… and I’m looking forward to getting to know her more.
25. What do #4 and #19 have in common?
They’re both very petite and sweet-looking.
Five people to do this so that I may have the pleasure of reading it:
Ying Yi
you cannot make it lah shuls... pple ask you what colour your toothbrush is.. you proceed to describe what toothbrush it is.. bristles and all.. ask you what your shoe size is.. got long story abt how big your feet are.. you're hilarious lah!!!
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