I hate Australia. Actually (before you yobs get your knickers in a twist) I don’t hate Australia. As a matter of fact, I really like koalas and kangaroos, the ridiculously sentimental Quantas theme song and my own dog is an Aboriginie. It’s just that of late, Australia has been stealing an awful lot of my friends. Some for a short while, and some for a long time, but they’ve all succumbed to this land of closing shops and vineyards.
Granted, I don’t know much about Australia. But I can understand why so many people would want to go there. It’s beautiful and big and nearby and is a great place to live or retire or bring up children. And where I’ve been, there’s something about the space, the air and the colour of the sky that moves me.
It’s just that I miss the friends that are there sometimes, miss their presence and wish, just a little, that they were nearer.

I miss Priya even though she’ll only be gone for a month because now it means we can’t just meet randomly for coffee and gab about everything under the sun. I’m glad at least she’ll be entertained by the Iron Chef and that she remembers me through Scientology although that’s rather a dubious honour in my eyes!

I miss Becky and her straightforwardness, how we could always just ramble on about almost anything ranging from music to sci-fi to which character we were going to kill off next in our books. I miss the way we can laugh about the most offbeat things. Deadpan humour is sorely underrated.

I miss Sera because I miss the special connection I have with her. I miss being able to talk to her in person and actually see her expressions and hear her laugh. This is my favourite photo of her because it reminds me of just how much fun we’ve had together and all the madness that we’ve been through.
I suppose what I’m saying is that distance is sometimes felt, no matter how often you stay in contact virtually. For now though, I’m glad they all have this wonderful chance to live in an amazing country and that their paths so far have been safe, blessed ones, for the most part. I only hope that I will see them again soon and that Australia will treat them with the love they deserve.
To Priya, Sera and Beck, wherever you may be, I hope you will always find your heart in a home.